News for August 28, 2024

Dear Beloved Community,
I know many of you are aware of this, but for those who are not, it is with a heavy heart that I share the passing of Karen Conklin, who died on Friday, August 23rd. Karen grew up attending College Heights, and was such an inspiration for all the people at church. She was the one who still remembered the details of the church's history, from who that person was on your hymnal's nameplate to where the original parsonage had been located. Karen was a bilingual school teacher in San Jose for years, and she absolutely loved camping. College Heights Church grieves the passing of Karen, who served faithfully in so many ways. Most recently she had enjoyed creating the Sunday morning altars, and they were works of art. Karen will be deeply missed, and our thoughts and prayers go out to her family, especially George and Stephen. Once we get a date for her celebration of life service, we will let you all know.
This Sunday I will reflect on Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23, and share how -- whether through a just and majestic leader, Israel’s statutes and ordinances, God’s divine indwelling, or Jesus’ radically inclusive meals -- the holiness of God is revealed by loving conduct. Here is a song called “We shall be known by the company we keep” from MaMuse that reminds me of this. Please take a listen here, for I will refer to it on Sunday. Also, we will celebrate communion this Sunday, and together remember how Jesus welcomed all people to his table, and how we should do the same. I hope to see many of you this Sunday.
Peace and blessings!
September's Giving Sunday offering is for Mission Hospice in San Mateo. Thanks for always being so generous with your gifts. You can learn more about the Mission Hospice in San Mateo here.
Recent sermons
Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.
Recordings of our Taize services are also on the YouTube page.
Upcoming services and events
Annual Women’s Retreat: Labor Day Weekend (Aug 30 - Sept 1) at Polly’s house in Pacific Grove. All church women invited; RSVP to Polly if you are coming.
Borg Discussion Group: Thursday, Sept 5, 7pm on Zoom. Read Chapter 2 of “Reading the Bible Again for the First Time” by Marcus Borg.
Celebration of Life for Jim Mathews: Saturday, September 7 at 2 pm.
Taize Service: Friday, Sept 13, 7:30pm. Also available on Zoom.
CHC Work Day; Saturday, Sept 28, 9-12. Bring a lunch and relax afterward. Indoor and outdoor jobs to do; come and find one that fits you.
Book Group: Sunday, Sept 29, 7pm, on Zoom. This month's book is "Underland: A Deep Time Journey" by Robert Macfarlane. This is "an epic exploration of the Earth's underworlds as they exist in myth, literature, memory and the land itself." Published in 2019 and on several "top 100" lists for that year. Note change in meeting date.
Annual Men's Retreat: October 4-6 at Polly’s house in Pacific Grove. RSVP to Roy Gesley if you are interested.
Links and resources
Haunting rendition of the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, sung for the Pope (thanks to David Hooper for finding this)
Peninsula Multifaith Coalition Prayers for Peace on Labor Day, Twin Pines Park, 10am
Quote of the week
“I’ll tell you what Freedom is to me. No fear.” - Nina Simone
Weekly events
• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am
In person at the church building.
• Sunday worship: 10 am
In person at the church building.
Image: Karen Conklin