News for May 23, 2023
This Sunday, May 28: In-person service
This Sunday, May 28, Roy Gesley will lead us in a Quaker-style worship service. (It will be Pentecost, which is a perfect Sunday for the Spirit to move!) We will start the hour in our usual way but skip the sermon. Then the second half of the service will be silent worship, "after the manner of the Religious Society of Friends."
Worship & Arts will meet after church. All are invited to come help us plan the summer.
The Giving Sunday collection for May is for California Clubhouse, very appropriate since May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
Recent sermons
Check out our YouTube page to see recent sermons. Go to our archive of slides to see bulletins and slides used during recent services.
Annual church picnic on Sunday, June 4
Join us in person Sunday after next from 11 am–2 pm for our annual church picnic in Butch’s backyard. Bring something to BBQ, something to share, and whatever you want to drink. We’ll have a camp-style service in the redwood trees. Bring a sweater in case it gets windy. Parking is limited on Butch’s street, so you may want to consider carpooling. (Email for directions.)
Annual Gathering June 15-17 (links fixed)
The Annual Gathering of the Northern California Nevada Conference of the UCC will happen close to us this year, at First Congregational Church in Palo Alto, from Thursday, June 15 to Saturday, June 17. This is the meeting that used to be at Asilomar, then moved to the campus of Sonoma State University, and finally landed on the Peninsula. Check out the updated schedule, price list and registration. This is a good opportunity to catch up with friends from other churches and meet the new conference staff.
Upcoming services and events
• Weds discussion group: May 24 (7 pm), Zoom
We're starting on the list of "clobber passages", those Bible verses used against the LGBTQ+ community. What did they mean originally? How else have they been interpreted? All are welcome to the conversation.
• Many Journeys Sending-Out Celebration:: Sat, May 27 at church 11-2
We are all invited to their farewell gathering. RSVP to Rev Terri for the food headcount.
• Worship & Arts: Sun, May 28 after church. Come help us plan the summer.
• Book Group: Sun, May 28 (7 pm), Zoom. Reading the memoir "You Could Make this Place Beautiful" by Maggie Smith.
• Annual Church Picnic: Sun, June 4, in Butch's redwood grove. Gather at 11 am.
• Congregational Meeting: Sun, June 11, after worship. Vote on the incoming officers and hear important updates to our 2023 plan.
• Church Camp. July 14-16 at Monte Toyon along with Belmont UCC and others.
• Women’s retreat: Sep 1-3, Pacific Grove
Contact Polly Moore for details.
• Men’s retreat: Sep 22–24, Pacific Grove
Contact Roy Gesley for details.
Links and resources
• Kitka is an East Bay women's vocal arts group specializing in traditional music from Eastern Europe. Amazing sound!
• The Peninsula Multifaith Coalition's MLK Jr. Day of Service last January had several projects get rained out. They've been rescheduled in late May and June. Check them out!
Quote of the week
"Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing." -- A. A. Milne
Weekly events
• Meditation group: Wednesdays at 7:30 am
In person at the church building
• Sunday worship: 10 am
In person or on Zoom — see the newsletter or this site for updates
Image: Roy Gesley says hi!